Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally
This week I had the opportunity to research international organizations that advocate for early childhood development. Organizations such as the Association for Childhood Education International is dedicated to promote, help develop and advocate for access to education and equality of every child (ACEI, 2015). What excited my interest in this organization the most was their efforts and commitment to bring about social change and global initiatives. They promote intercultural understanding , which this world needs in order to combat against judgment and bias behaviors amongst cultures and diversity. They are focused on children as a whole, which to me is what ECE is all about. Another organization that I found to be exceptional was the Save the Children Organization. This organization has a long standing since 1919, and has helped children in over 120 countries worldwide, fight against poverty, hunger, and ill health (SC, 2015). Their work to combat against these issues are ongoing, they have made and continue to make programs that are state of the art, to encourage and instill healthy, productive and a positive future for children across the world! The last organization that I think is profound is the International Step by Step Association. This organization connects professionals working within the early childhood development field. Their goals is to implement and promote inclusive, quality care and educational experiences for children (ISSA,2015). They strive to promote equal access to education for children across the globe.
As I did not find many job posting for these organizations, I found that many offered supportive measures that we can take to ensure that their organizations flourish to help children. All of the organizations had ways in which one could help towards their efforts and vision. I found that all of the organizations gave a way for people who want to be informed and to advocate for children’s well-being the opportunity to become a member through sponsorship, donations and fundraising .
As I continue along this journey into the field of early childhood education, I know that many opportunities will be. I hope that one day my efforts will take me to various locations in order to lend a helping hand in countries less fortunate. I can only imagine the possibilities!!

One thought on “Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

  1. Alicia,

    I also came across organizations that seem to be developed by the promotion and election of members into leadership positions. ACEI was one that I found interesting as well. I learned that through membership to the organization early childhood professionals can receive certain training at no cost and can also take advantage of insurance reductions. I plan to delve deeper into this new found information as my being a small business owner always has me searching for ways to improve my practice with minimum expenditures. Thank you for sharing information about the Save the Children Organization and ISSA, also. They sound like wonderful organizations and ones that will likely be able to provide you with knowledge to expand your support circle and provide critical information for the field.

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