My Family Web

My family web!! These are the people who have influenced me to become who I am today!

Ardyce Daugherty = My Mother

She  is the reason of why I’m  a successful and Happy adult! She taught me about life, showed me vital life lessons, nurtured me, and was my sole provider as a  child. She gave me my style, my quick thinking skills, my talent for being a cosmetologist and all around she is still my role model!

Leonard Blair =  My Grandfather

He taught me about my family history, showed me ways to become successful, taught me the quick way to do math, he nurtured me, and provided what I lacked in a father figure. He showed me unconditional love at all times. I find days where I truly miss him and wish I could see his smile!

Leroy Daugherty =  My Brother

He is my oldest sibling, he was our leader of example, he played and taught me how to play sports, read plays as far as sports where concerned, he taught me  the meaning of self respect, he protected me and still does to this day!

Lamar Daugherty = My Brother

He is my second oldest brother, he taught me how to draw. he taught me about how art can expand our minds, as a child he taught me how to defend myself, how to always think positively about myself, till this day he has always protected me. I believe that he is one of the reasons why I love what I do as far as my living!

Glenn Morrison = My Brother

He is my younger brother, the baby of my family, he has taught me how to be a nurturer, how to share my resources, how to be responsible for others, and he still keeps me on my toes!

One thought on “My Family Web

  1. You seem so lucky to have such a supportive family! Having learned different lessons from each of your family members must be such a wonderful experience for you. I, too, looked up to my older brother to teach me all of the things that weren’t traditionally taught to little girls: how to perfect my slap shot, and be able to tell when a player is off sides. I contribute most of my athleticism to him!

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