Relationship Reflection

Relationships are important to me for so may reasons! Whether my relationships are through family , friends, work or church there is a significant connection! These connections have been influential, and have molded/shaped my life and personality! Through family and friends I have learned and witnessed what the meaning of love is. Through work I understand how and why dedication and perseverance is needed to fulfill goals and dreams. Through church I have the learned to accept wisdom to understand how the Spirit leads and guides us to achieve the Greater Good!

An individual that I currently and continually will have a positive relationship with is my Mother! She has always encouraged, taught, and disciplined me throughout my life. Our relationship is forever growing and maturing as we age. This parent-child bond has been educational not only in the home but in school! As a matter of fact she was the One who pushed me to follow my dreams to pursue my Masters! This relationship is the reason why I have become a responsible and successful adult!

Another relationship is one I share with my co-worker Karla. We both work in the beauty industry, she is the sole proprietor of the salon. This relationship blossomed because of a common goal, which is to provide exceptional services to our clients. We work well together by communicating our ideas, dreams and visions to each other!

The most significant and positive relationship I have is with My Creator! Without His Guidance, Love, Mercy and Grace in my life nothing/ or any relationship would be possible!

The challenges to developing and maintaining relationships to my understanding comes from closed mindedness. I have witnessed and also have been close- minded, the effects of this behavior turns others away, which in turns shuts out information/ resources that may be beneficial. Another factor that may hinder development is what I call the all-about-me syndrome! Being selfish and not considering others will always be a challenge in developing healthy relationships!

The characteristics of openness will generate positive partnerships. Communicating what, how, when, where, and why things should/shouldn’t be,  and/or mutuality,  is the key tool to fostering positive relationships.

The impact that my relationship experiences would have as an early childhood professional is the ability to always look for the good of any situation. My relationships have taught me to be a positive team player, to seek out and help with the needs of others, and to find solutions. I’ve learned that through my relationships I have the willingness and readiness to learn, and get to know others. I believe that these factors are necessary in the field of early childhood!




2 thoughts on “Relationship Reflection

  1. Alicia,
    Very nice post, thank you so much for sharing with all of us! I really enjoyed reading your comment regarding your relationship with your creator, I think that it is fantastic your relationships are all significant in their own special ways. I also agree with you that being selfish will challenge a relationship because it is hard to focus on your partner when your busy only focusing on yourself.

  2. Alicia,

    You have identified the difference of relationships. I think it was very important to mention your faith as part of a relationship. Although I did not mention my faith as a relationship, without my faith, church and trust in God my life would not be the same!

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